Generali receives GREF award for Leonardo, a unique and disruptive solution developed by Enzyme

Barcelona, November 17, 2022 - Generali Spain’s "Leonardo" project has once again been recognized at the GREF Silver Awards for the best 2022 initiative for the application of AI to the personalization of training based on real business indicators.

The Leonardo project began in early 2018, for its Gener@ Training Platform, and was recognized in 2020 as the most innovative solution in the APeL Awards for Excellence in e-learning.

Currently, the Leonardo conversational assistant initiative has developed the capacity for training content recommendations based on the evolution of the mediator network's business indicators and the impact that these trainings can have on the knowledge needed to execute. To objectify the gap analysis, Leonardo launches short questionnaires through the chatbot that confirm the need and recommendation. From a theoretical point of view, this model is based on the "forgetting curve" defined by the psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, where personalized micro-elearning has shown a notable increase in retention and applicability.    

Generali is one of the most innovative companies in the insurance sector and is committed to solutions that combine data intelligence and business impact to be more agile and efficient.

David Grau, head of e-learning solutions at Generali, after receiving the award said: "Thanks to our supplier Enzyme for being by our side to continue innovating in the field of training and commercial development and to be able to take a step further in the personalization of learning for our commercial network."

The new functionalities of Leonardo, a conversational assistant developed on top of Enzyme's Collagen solution, are available both from the browser and from the Gener@ mobile application.

Foto de Verónica


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